Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm staying in Kenya...for a while...

So the news is this: I have been offered and have accepted a position as an Intern with GVI for the next expedition. This means that I will be working for GVI through March of 2009. I'm very excited and grateful for the opportunity. Not entirely sure what my job will entail - but I know that it will probably focus on the Community aspect: teaching English in the primary school in Mkwiro village on Wasini Island where we well as possibly teaching in Shimoni village on the mainland where we do our Forest research. I will also still be involved in the Forest and Marine research that we conduct. It's been really cool to see how all the data that we gather is compiled for the local community, Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) and others. At the end of the day it's all only as relevant as the community uses it. I wrote in my last post about the Friends of Shimoni Forest CBO (community based organization) - but even the wildlife education classes, extracurricular activities and weekend student groups are significant, as those are the people who will inherit the benefits and responsibilities of this environment.
While I am not considering a career change - and while I still plan on returning to the states (eventually) to head out to Cali and pursue Acting - I recognize that this is an amazing and unique experience that warrants further exploration and study. And I'm living in a tropical there's that, too.
The sad news, though, is that I will miss getting to see many of you at holiday time. Spending Christmas in summer weather will be a bit of a shock...but hopefully, I will have a few GVI staff friends here that I can chill with over the break. Planning on going to a family wedding of a Kenyan friend of mine and travelling a bit over the next few weeks. Oh and improving my stick-shift driving, learning to pole a boat through shallow waters, improving my swahili and reviewing my animal species...
While I won't be able to spend christmas with you...if the holiday spirit so moves you then go visit - you can donate to the GVI Charitable Trust Fund that helps support the local orphanage on Wasini Island where I live. We spend Monday afternoons with the boys there reading and playing games. I've also had a number of these kids as students in the classroom...and a few of them have royally kicked our butts in football (soccer) games from time to time...
As always, I do love getting letters and emails, so please keep them coming! I hope to get a phone soon so those who are feeling really adventurous can try and ring me sometime. Please know that as much fun as I am having here I miss you all and want very much to hear all the big and little things going on in your lives. Again, as I've said before, I will try to post pictures up when I can - for those of you on Facebook, my fellow EM's have thrown a few up there already, so enjoy!

1 comment:

PT Mollie M. said...

I am deeply saddened to think that Boxing Day celebrations will not occur this year. Happy Holidays! Your card is on the way.

GVI Kenya expedition diary video

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